

四川担担麵 上環

地址: 上環皇后大道中181號新紀元廣場101A舖




招牌菜担担麵以老外老闆的口味為藍本,香濃麻醬不太辣易入口, 麵條爽滑,值得一試。


電話訂位 沒有電話號提供
餐單 Menu川菜,四川,粉麵,米線,中菜館,快餐店,
人氣指數 505




四川担担麵 評價 相片

Food is good, restaurant owner is nice. Since my office is nearby, I visit Dandan a lot. Jerome the owner, once even recognized me and offered me free appetizer. I would say things went smooth with Jerome, but without him it's another story. This evening I visited Dandan as usually around 6 pm. Staffs were preparing food, Jerome's Chinese wife was busy in the backkitchen. As usually I made the order and wait at the table until a huge ugly bug on the table crawling into my sight. Since this is a RESTAURANT and I have food coming, I asked one of their Filipino waitress to take care of this. To my surprise, she's so grumpy that told me YOU CAN JUST SIT AT ANOTHER TABLE with an attitude, and I can pretty much tell I DON'T GIVE A SHXT ABOUT THIS from her face expression.I don't want to pick on her but I have to say if the waitress is spoiled like this, she's gonna dstroy Jerome's business sooner or later. All in all, I'm still going to visit Dandan because I love their food, but only when Jerome is there.

I like chili and spicy foods. Szechuan is my favorite. It is very interesting to see a French will open a spicy Dan Dan noodle shop. And with Michelin as a backup, I decided to try this one.The shop is small, 28 seats only if I counted correctly.  I tried the set lunch with dan dan noodle and cucumber.  And I choose medium for the spicy level.Honestly speaking, as a diehard fan of dan dan noodle, my experience is mostly coming from Wing Lai Yuen or similar type of restaurant.  I like the soup with thick paste of peanut sauce, with minced pork and spicy chili.Measuring with this regard, I am afraid the noodle from this shop is not what I expected.  First, it is not spicy in my standard (albeit in medium level).  Also, I find the soup is a bit plain.  About the noodle, I think it is a bit too soft.    I saw a bottle of szechuan pepper and I add almost 1/4 of the bottle into my noodle, that it can finally give some 'numb' feeling on my tongue.From my observation, 1/2 of the customers are not chinese I can see Korean, Indian, and European on that day.  I can understand if the shop is appealing to them (or the specialist from Michelin), they may not know the true authentic szechuan or chungking style dan dan noodle.  Although I may not truly enjoy the noodle, but I admire the boss's (who I was told a French) passion for spicy food.  Conclusion this shop is worth a try for the Michelin recommendation, but not for a diehard dan dan noodle fans.






因為今日係星期六所以冇午市套餐,我哋一行二人,點左一個成都style 四川擔擔麵 (即係有麻醬),牛肉麵,涼拌豆腐皮同埋涼拌雞,當然唔少得嘅,仲有嘢飲,解辣用。

先講個四川擔擔麵,我要嘅係regular 辣,初初食嘅時候覺得普普通通,唔係好辣,但越食越辣...不過都接受嘅,下次可以要再辣D。


如果可以再 '麻' 啲就會跟加好!唯一嘅意見係份量太大食淨一半。




至於個鷄,明明係under 涼拌,但原來係炒嘅⋯⋯味道都唔錯,份量亦都值回票價!總括嚟講,食物絕對有水準,服務亦都唔錯。

市面上嘅小店越來越少,剩返嘅都係連鎖食肆,老闆要多多加油!I will come again!

I love spicy hot food, especially Chinese however, I normally don't order dan dan mien because it's always so nutty and not hot enough for my taste. The other day I had to come to Sheung Wan for work so I search for some new place to try out and came across this. Weather was hot and yea it was lunch hours. As I arrive I saw a line of about 78 people so I thought oh no but fortunately I was just by myself and walked in without waiting.Ordered the Chengdu style one (stirred) of 'hot' which is 4 chillis hot, with Sichuan pickles and iced jasmine tea. Waited for probably 5min or less and the food came. If you never had stirred noodles before, remember to really stir them well so the noodles are evenly covered in the sauce. Otherwise you'd be eating plain noodles. Noodles were amazing, they were not too nutty although it may look that way. Oh yea it was hot! I was already sweating in the sun out there and this just gave me invigorating heat (and sweat running down my face)! Ok it was not the spiciest ever but they do not tone it down for Hong Kong people. I hate it when restaurants tone down the spices for the locals, especially when it comes to Indian and Thai and of course, Sichuan (but I understand why many had to do so). Although the sauce was thick it did not feel heavy at all. Half way through my noodles I had to try their dumplings. These flat dumplings do not look like your everyday Chinese dumplings because well, they are rather flat. At first glance they were nothing exciting but in fact it was a good surprise. The skin was rather harder than usual but its texture was unique, it was very smooth. The filling was good too I could tell the meat was fresh (or not the low quality cheap 5year old frozen meat anyway). The sauce, nothing specially to be honest. Love vingar with chilli oil, I love vinegar that I can drink it with a soup sometimes. So yea it was excellent for me.The pickles, tea were ordinary, did not expect much and you don't there for those anyway. Overall I think their dan dan noodles are above average although I only tried 2 dishes. Well if they got a sauce right I don't think they could fail at the other stuff. Definitely will go back again.Environment can't complain, it's Hong Kong we know we have to squeece a little. Clean and tidy enough. Tables are not big I think it would be better if they served the food without the trays. If you intend to go in a group of 46, expect to wait in line during lunch. Service when I wanted to order the dumplings I asked one of the waitresses but she simply told me that I had to walk up to the cashier at the door to order. I thought that was just cold. The boss was busy at the cashier and not facing my way so the waitress basically told me to leave my table, grab my bag and order it myself. Yea, cold. Couldn't she have helped in some way? Price rather pricey but it's Sheung Wan for office people. Spent about $140.If they could offer more choices of nonvege snacks at $40 range  that would be great because I eat a little more than an average person when I have spicy food but yet I did not feel like eating 6 wings by myself after the noodles (hmm yet although I did finish 8 dumplings). I wish they could offer half portions or do something like adding extra snacks (or even just boiled vege) as an option in the combo because the stirred noodles had very little meat and vege.

I used to go this restaurant a lot, because even through the taste is not Authentic ( I was born and grew up in Chengdu, Sichuan) but still acceptable, and they use good chili pepper. BUT NOT ANYMORE!Well, everything changed yesterday when my friend and I were there, I ordered the same noodle I normally order andchooses the same spicy level I always choose ( hot).Both of us realised they changed their chilli sauce immediately after we tasted the noodle. The spicy level was completely out of control and tasted exactly like Sth called 辣椒精 ( an industrial usage sauce, have nth to do with real chilli pepper). I complained to the owner immediately, he admitted that they are using a different sauce ( didn't tell me which one) and told me they can't control the spicy level!! I was quite shocked by this answer. Then I asked again how can you sell your noodles to your customers while you can't control it? This is completely unacceptable anyway, I will never go back again. My stomach felt sick for the whole night after my meal there ( despite I only had maybe 2 or 3 bites on my noodle). And I already warned all my friends never go back. No one wants fake spicy sauce







為減低冠狀病毒病在山崎麵飽內有任何傳播的風險,山崎麵飽在餐廳內會盡力保持高水平的清潔及衞生標準。餐廳山崎麵飽除了遵守預防及控制疾病的相關規例,山崎麵飽同時建議採取以下措施*山崎麵飽 黃, 山崎麵飽 藍, (山崎麵飽 黃藍 等意思黃店或藍店簡稱

常見問題 FAQ:


  • 食物業經營者應加強對食物業處所包括廚房、食物房、洗滌間、廁所(包括水龍頭與廁所把手)和食肆座位間的清潔,定時及在有需要時應用1:99(即把1份漂白水與99 份水混和)的稀釋家用漂白水消毒,以經常保持清潔和適當維護。
  • 在處理被呼吸道分泌物、嘔吐物或排泄物污染的地方,應使用 1:49(即把 1 份漂白水與 49 份水混和)的稀釋家用漂白水。
  • 經常清潔消毒食物接觸面及設備,例如餐具。
  • 經常清潔消毒員工或顧客的頻密接觸點,例如門柄、桌面、餐盤。
  • 確保用作送遞食物的工具不可用於收集餐桌上已使用的餐具及食物殘渣,可考慮以不同顏色或標示來識別工具的不同用途。所有工具都要保持清潔和定時消毒。


  • 採用「食物安全五要點」,以正確處理食物:
    1. 精明選擇:選擇安全的原材料
    2. 保持清潔:保持雙手及用具清潔
    3. 生熟分開:分開生熟食物
    4. 煮熟食物:徹底煮熟食物
    5. 安全溫度:把食物存放於安全溫度
    6. 有需要時,提供公筷公羹。
  • 避免公開展示沒有包裝的即食食物(例如烘焙食品)。
  • 如使用即棄手套處理即食食物,要注意手套不能代替清洗雙手,並要正確使用。手套如有損壞、弄污或食物處理人員因暫停工作而把手套除下,便應把手套丟掉;要經常更換手套,更換時和除手套後都要清洗雙手。


  1. 工作人員須謹記:定期檢查體溫
  2. 工作期間,戴上口罩
  3. 咳嗽或打噴嚏時,要用紙巾掩蓋口鼻,並立即將已弄髒的紙巾丟入垃圾桶。然後,以梘液和清水清潔雙手
  4. 保持良好的個人衞生習慣(例如在處理食物前後、進行清潔之後、處理廚餘或垃圾後以及上廁所後要洗手)
  5. 如患有或懷疑受到傳染病感染或出現病徵,例如感冒、腹瀉、嘔吐、黃疸病、發燒、咽喉痛和腹痛,應停止處理食物。如出現呼吸道感染病徵時,應戴上外科口罩及盡早求醫
  6. 洗手時應以梘液和清水清潔雙手,搓手最少 20 秒,用水過清並用抹手紙弄乾。雙手洗乾淨後,不要再直接觸摸水龍頭
  7. (例如先用抹手紙包裹著水龍頭,才把水龍頭關上)


  1. 為採取以下措施保持員工之間、員工與顧客之間以及顧 客之間的社交距離:
  2. 為顧客提供外賣選擇
  3. 避免搭枱或改動座位安排以減少直接面對面接觸
  4. 在食肆張貼告示或作廣播、或於地面加上標記、提醒顧客在排隊或等候期間保持距離
  5. 在服務櫃枱加設屏障,減少顧客與員工直接面對面接觸
  6. 鼓勵顧客使用非觸式的付款方法(例如:信用卡、手機應用程式等)
  7. 安排員工分批工作、休息及用膳















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