

稻香 尖沙咀

地址: 尖沙咀加拿芬道20號加拿芬廣場3樓




Taoheung group is my favourite restaurant group in Hong Kong. I specially like the set meals at Ying (迎) at Nathan Road and at Chung Cuisine (锺菜) at Times Square Causeway Bay.They have ongoing promotions, and we managed to book a table for 3pax at Taohueng @ Carnavorn Road Tsimshatsui during our recent visit (they will NOT accept table booking on the same day but you can go at 6pm OR 9pm to queue up for the dinner OR supper promotions – they even have an electronic colourcoded queue system for 2pax, 34pax, 56pax, 78pax etc, more sophisticated than the banks..lol..). There was NO service to talk about here (well at least for the 1/2hr starting from 6pm where there seemed to be orderly mayhem!). I had tried previously another of their restaurants Pier 88 (稻香超級漁港) during the promotion hour and to their credit service there was ok despite the mad rush at 6pm.We had the incredible value promotion in the picture above=HK$99 for a steamed live garoupa (I estimated about 700g800g) PLUS a platter comprising suckling pig, roast duck, char siew & soy chicken!The normal price for the tiger garoupa alone (w/o promotion) was HK$238!The steamed garoupa was very good, which was like “routine” in Hong Kong.The suckling pig platter – what can I say? every item was very good even including the black fungus, which was crunchy with a touch of sesame oil. Not sure the normal price for such a platter, but I would gladly pay HK$99 or more for the platter alone.You kind of “have to” order 例汤 (soup of the day) when in a cantonese restaurant in Hong Kong, so we dutifully ordered one on the menu=chicken & fish maw (花膠) soup. It was a big pot costing HK$108. It was good but NOT great! Auntie Bes can make just as good soup at home. The one we had at Lei Garden (利苑) Time Square – which is famous for its soup – the day before, a smaller pot at HK$88 was by far the better.& when in Hong Kong, you “have to” order vegetables. We had choy sum with moi choy (梅菜菜心). It was wonderful! The very satisfying dinner for 3 of us came to HK$331 (which already included 10% service charge), like S$53 nett! I can certainly do this every time


電話訂位 沒有電話號提供
餐單 Menu粵菜,廣東,火鍋,點心,酒樓,
人氣指數 490




稻香 評價 相片

Taoheung group is my favourite restaurant group in Hong Kong. I specially like the set meals at Ying (迎) at Nathan Road and at Chung Cuisine (锺菜) at Times Square Causeway Bay.They have ongoing promotions, and we managed to book a table for 3pax at Taohueng @ Carnavorn Road Tsimshatsui during our recent visit (they will NOT accept table booking on the same day but you can go at 6pm OR 9pm to queue up for the dinner OR supper promotions – they even have an electronic colourcoded queue system for 2pax, 34pax, 56pax, 78pax etc, more sophisticated than the banks..lol..). There was NO service to talk about here (well at least for the 1/2hr starting from 6pm where there seemed to be orderly mayhem!). I had tried previously another of their restaurants Pier 88 (稻香超級漁港) during the promotion hour and to their credit service there was ok despite the mad rush at 6pm.We had the incredible value promotion in the picture above=HK$99 for a steamed live garoupa (I estimated about 700g800g) PLUS a platter comprising suckling pig, roast duck, char siew & soy chicken!The normal price for the tiger garoupa alone (w/o promotion) was HK$238!The steamed garoupa was very good, which was like “routine” in Hong Kong.The suckling pig platter – what can I say? every item was very good even including the black fungus, which was crunchy with a touch of sesame oil. Not sure the normal price for such a platter, but I would gladly pay HK$99 or more for the platter alone.You kind of “have to” order 例汤 (soup of the day) when in a cantonese restaurant in Hong Kong, so we dutifully ordered one on the menu=chicken & fish maw (花膠) soup. It was a big pot costing HK$108. It was good but NOT great! Auntie Bes can make just as good soup at home. The one we had at Lei Garden (利苑) Time Square – which is famous for its soup – the day before, a smaller pot at HK$88 was by far the better.& when in Hong Kong, you “have to” order vegetables. We had choy sum with moi choy (梅菜菜心). It was wonderful! The very satisfying dinner for 3 of us came to HK$331 (which already included 10% service charge), like S$53 nett! I can certainly do this every time


當日同朋友去打邊爐 , 例有 D 花生 , 沙茶醬 , 之類調味品. 見有一家四口去打邊爐 , 對仔女直接用 "快" 子 去夾 D 花生食...仲不停禁夾...D 口水就留左係 D花生食到...大佬 , 你估成個花生係你 ? 一 D 衛生常識都無...最利害係我同個部長講 , 佢好似無反應 ..... 之後仲 " ling " 比另一張台人用 ? Never go back !!

是日送別Fab, 友人最愛火鍋, lunch也來到稻香打邊爐. 已訂枱, 週末下午一時不用等候便可入座. 此時段沒有什麼優惠, 故只點了少量食物便算了. 湯底點選了沙嗲, 頗惹味, 也不太辣. 不錯. 食物有: 芝士腸, 秀珍菇, 唧魚麵, 黑豚肉, 蝦丸, 豆腐. 各樣食品也尚算不俗, 其中覺得秀珍菇跟沙嗲真的很夾, 淡淡的菇吸收了濃味的沙嗲, 筆者差不多一個人也可完成一整碟, 可想而知有多吸引. 另唧魚麵的口感也不錯, 也頗彈牙, 味道也可以, 較想像中的好. 這樣又過了三小時了, 期待友人快點回來encore火鍋!


先來個醉雞鍋湯底加$1 肥牛,說實話,雞真的沒半點酒味,而且只有半隻雞,不值這價錢。













為減低冠狀病毒病在The Venue內有任何傳播的風險,The Venue在餐廳內會盡力保持高水平的清潔及衞生標準。餐廳The Venue除了遵守預防及控制疾病的相關規例,The Venue同時建議採取以下措施*The Venue 黃, The Venue 藍, (The Venue 黃藍 等意思黃店或藍店簡稱

常見問題 FAQ:


  • 食物業經營者應加強對食物業處所包括廚房、食物房、洗滌間、廁所(包括水龍頭與廁所把手)和食肆座位間的清潔,定時及在有需要時應用1:99(即把1份漂白水與99 份水混和)的稀釋家用漂白水消毒,以經常保持清潔和適當維護。
  • 在處理被呼吸道分泌物、嘔吐物或排泄物污染的地方,應使用 1:49(即把 1 份漂白水與 49 份水混和)的稀釋家用漂白水。
  • 經常清潔消毒食物接觸面及設備,例如餐具。
  • 經常清潔消毒員工或顧客的頻密接觸點,例如門柄、桌面、餐盤。
  • 確保用作送遞食物的工具不可用於收集餐桌上已使用的餐具及食物殘渣,可考慮以不同顏色或標示來識別工具的不同用途。所有工具都要保持清潔和定時消毒。


  • 採用「食物安全五要點」,以正確處理食物:
    1. 精明選擇:選擇安全的原材料
    2. 保持清潔:保持雙手及用具清潔
    3. 生熟分開:分開生熟食物
    4. 煮熟食物:徹底煮熟食物
    5. 安全溫度:把食物存放於安全溫度
    6. 有需要時,提供公筷公羹。
  • 避免公開展示沒有包裝的即食食物(例如烘焙食品)。
  • 如使用即棄手套處理即食食物,要注意手套不能代替清洗雙手,並要正確使用。手套如有損壞、弄污或食物處理人員因暫停工作而把手套除下,便應把手套丟掉;要經常更換手套,更換時和除手套後都要清洗雙手。


  1. 工作人員須謹記:定期檢查體溫
  2. 工作期間,戴上口罩
  3. 咳嗽或打噴嚏時,要用紙巾掩蓋口鼻,並立即將已弄髒的紙巾丟入垃圾桶。然後,以梘液和清水清潔雙手
  4. 保持良好的個人衞生習慣(例如在處理食物前後、進行清潔之後、處理廚餘或垃圾後以及上廁所後要洗手)
  5. 如患有或懷疑受到傳染病感染或出現病徵,例如感冒、腹瀉、嘔吐、黃疸病、發燒、咽喉痛和腹痛,應停止處理食物。如出現呼吸道感染病徵時,應戴上外科口罩及盡早求醫
  6. 洗手時應以梘液和清水清潔雙手,搓手最少 20 秒,用水過清並用抹手紙弄乾。雙手洗乾淨後,不要再直接觸摸水龍頭
  7. (例如先用抹手紙包裹著水龍頭,才把水龍頭關上)


  1. 為採取以下措施保持員工之間、員工與顧客之間以及顧 客之間的社交距離:
  2. 為顧客提供外賣選擇
  3. 避免搭枱或改動座位安排以減少直接面對面接觸
  4. 在食肆張貼告示或作廣播、或於地面加上標記、提醒顧客在排隊或等候期間保持距離
  5. 在服務櫃枱加設屏障,減少顧客與員工直接面對面接觸
  6. 鼓勵顧客使用非觸式的付款方法(例如:信用卡、手機應用程式等)
  7. 安排員工分批工作、休息及用膳















網站平台feehk跟稻香 openrice裡的差異是什麼?
