

Eden Rose Restaurant 銅鑼灣

地址: 銅鑼灣軒尼斯道499號永光商業大廈19樓



Eden Rose Restaurant推介

好多年生日都係撞正假日因而可以約齊屋企人一齊去食自助餐慶祝但今年正日係平日,個個都要番工生日飯唔係自助餐……都要揀間好野食既上網搵銅鑼灣有咩好去處見到唔少人都黎過食生日飯:^0環境其實不錯,當晚坐窗口位,有街景望:^)坐位好闊落(坐位數唔多,分隔得夠開),坐得舒服室溫又剛剛好,唔會話凍到想食完即逃咁仲要有燭台,好有情調咁XDDD(次次見到燭台都突然好興奮XDDD蒜蓉包蒜蓉味好香,真係未食已聞到烤焗後呈金黃,唔會話太燶,但佢係有焦香味既外層香脆,牛油味重,不過夠乾爽唔會成口成手油咁若果有蒜蓉碎就仲正仲香(重點係唔可以有辣味嗆味如果話有咩要改進既話……可能係可以俾客人揀餐包?因為唔係個個中意蒜味,而且係第一樣上既野,個impression都幾重要既魚湯煮美國蜆睇個樣好似好足料咁喎蜆既份量都多,同埋係開哂口既:^)未食蜆之前先飲頭啖湯(喂XD魚湯味濃,但好鮮甜,並無膩感蜆肉原來係幾大,唔係話得個殼大咁:^0冇沙唔再講,佢冇腥味,感覺新鮮除左蜆仲有d菇既,菇唔會苦,仲有淡淡香味慢煮三文魚配魚子醬荷蘭汁個賣相幾得意XDD,唔知點解有種行星feel XDDD呢道前菜其實感覺有點重,因為佢混合左好多種香味,整個感覺係會好rich既首先佢魚子醬既味道好concentrated,爆開果下好重鮮味(唔係腥海膽幾新鮮,唔會有苦味腥味,鮮甜可口重點來了,我最愛的三文魚:^DDDDDDD慢煮既方法令三文魚中心仲可以保持鮮嫩有彈性三文魚味道好鮮,冇雪藏味同腥味,魚油幾豐富但正正係因為魚油濃郁,配上荷蘭汁或者有點Heavy了荷蘭汁本身牛油味好濃好突出,只有少少酸味令佢冇咁膩所以我覺得呢道作為前菜似乎有點濃味了雖然味道配搭係可以既,但好易會覺得膩,係前菜部分就有膩感……呢點可以改善黑松露忌廉湯松露香味十分濃郁,基本上係未入口已經感受到香而不膩,仲要菇菌打碎入湯,感覺到有碎粒好足料我覺得黑松露既份量都夠既,因為佢始終係香氣濃厚,加太多反而會太濃烈忌廉湯底幾creamy,不過唔算好膩既:^)龍蝦湯鮮甜味美拿說實話佢唔係有龍蝦肉係入面既只係佢鮮甜得黎係好自然,唔係話落糖就造得出既效果,係會連帶埋香氣既濃稠度剛好,唔會太厚(味道甜既話驚佢會膩賣相都不錯,仲有畫花咁:^)燒西班牙黑毛豬柳配力矯汁本身冇諗過原來有咁多配菜XDD,仲要擺盤幾整齊先嚐豬柳,有微焦香氣肉質彈牙有嚼勁,但又唔係好老好柴好韌,保留到有肉汁同油香肉味非常突出,越嚼越香,唔係只靠調味同埋佢係厚身既,不過夠熟夠熱,煮得好均勻醬汁鹹度夠,稀稠適中,剛好可以coat住食材一旁既配菜清新解膩,食一大塊豬柳一定要清清佢黑松露麵包蟹意大利飯感覺好用心,佢將蟹膏蟹肉拆哂出黎煮risottorisotto夠哂鮮味,味道偏甜,但係佢係好自然,唔會食到灌水沖淡既地步香氣十足,夠味之餘唔會太膩飯粒粒粒分明,米香好重,有點咬口個人認為唔使加黑松露已經幾好因為黑松露又有另一種香氣,濃香但不濁如果mix埋係好多層次,但同時會有點混亂朱古力芭菲朱古力味濃郁,甜中帶苦,大大減低膩感mousse香滑嫩身,加上乾身既餅碎有質感上既contrast再加多少少水果既微酸似乎會更解膩^)草莓吉士千層酥之前訂枱時有提到係生日飯上甜品既時候有點蠟燭及寫字:^)仲播埋生日歌,負責人又黎講生日快樂:^)感覺幾親切講番甜品賣相幾特別,層層疊起,勝在佢唔會好易塌草莓新鮮清甜,冇咩酸味:^0吉士是creamy的,好滑,同草莓好夾千層酥既部分味道較淡,薄身又夠脆,而且係乾身既配上吉士同草莓既甜味,整體唔會過甜過膩:^)服務方面,我個人已經係滿意其實我要求唔高,真係夠舒服,食得自在唔會俾人趕俾人望實就OK上食物果陣佢地真係會講解一下用料同煮法,可見對出品係好有認識既不時又加水又睇進度上菜最後仲會問埋有冇咩意見同埋可以點改進講真我覺得最緊要係佢地有心做好,唔係話求其搵人寫下D正評誇下佢就算佢地問果陣我都唔知點答好XDDDD,因為我覺得已經不錯

銅鑼灣Eden Rose Restaurant

餐廳分店Eden Rose Restaurant
電話訂位 沒有電話號提供
餐單 Menu法國菜,西餐廳,
人氣指數 676

Eden Rose Restaurant訂位

Eden Rose Restaurant位於銅鑼灣區,詳細地址是銅鑼灣軒尼斯道499號永光商業大廈19樓,餐廳寬敞座位數目共有34個。Eden Rose Restaurant幾錢?價錢優惠後人均消費大約$101-200埋單,早餐午餐晚餐Eden Rose Restaurant餐單包括有法國菜,西餐廳等美食,付款方式有Visa,Master,現金,銀聯,JCB付款。

Eden Rose Restaurant優惠

Eden Rose Restaurant 評價 相片

好多年生日都係撞正假日因而可以約齊屋企人一齊去食自助餐慶祝但今年正日係平日,個個都要番工生日飯唔係自助餐……都要揀間好野食既上網搵銅鑼灣有咩好去處見到唔少人都黎過食生日飯:^0環境其實不錯,當晚坐窗口位,有街景望:^)坐位好闊落(坐位數唔多,分隔得夠開),坐得舒服室溫又剛剛好,唔會話凍到想食完即逃咁仲要有燭台,好有情調咁XDDD(次次見到燭台都突然好興奮XDDD蒜蓉包蒜蓉味好香,真係未食已聞到烤焗後呈金黃,唔會話太燶,但佢係有焦香味既外層香脆,牛油味重,不過夠乾爽唔會成口成手油咁若果有蒜蓉碎就仲正仲香(重點係唔可以有辣味嗆味如果話有咩要改進既話……可能係可以俾客人揀餐包?因為唔係個個中意蒜味,而且係第一樣上既野,個impression都幾重要既魚湯煮美國蜆睇個樣好似好足料咁喎蜆既份量都多,同埋係開哂口既:^)未食蜆之前先飲頭啖湯(喂XD魚湯味濃,但好鮮甜,並無膩感蜆肉原來係幾大,唔係話得個殼大咁:^0冇沙唔再講,佢冇腥味,感覺新鮮除左蜆仲有d菇既,菇唔會苦,仲有淡淡香味慢煮三文魚配魚子醬荷蘭汁個賣相幾得意XDD,唔知點解有種行星feel XDDD呢道前菜其實感覺有點重,因為佢混合左好多種香味,整個感覺係會好rich既首先佢魚子醬既味道好concentrated,爆開果下好重鮮味(唔係腥海膽幾新鮮,唔會有苦味腥味,鮮甜可口重點來了,我最愛的三文魚:^DDDDDDD慢煮既方法令三文魚中心仲可以保持鮮嫩有彈性三文魚味道好鮮,冇雪藏味同腥味,魚油幾豐富但正正係因為魚油濃郁,配上荷蘭汁或者有點Heavy了荷蘭汁本身牛油味好濃好突出,只有少少酸味令佢冇咁膩所以我覺得呢道作為前菜似乎有點濃味了雖然味道配搭係可以既,但好易會覺得膩,係前菜部分就有膩感……呢點可以改善黑松露忌廉湯松露香味十分濃郁,基本上係未入口已經感受到香而不膩,仲要菇菌打碎入湯,感覺到有碎粒好足料我覺得黑松露既份量都夠既,因為佢始終係香氣濃厚,加太多反而會太濃烈忌廉湯底幾creamy,不過唔算好膩既:^)龍蝦湯鮮甜味美拿說實話佢唔係有龍蝦肉係入面既只係佢鮮甜得黎係好自然,唔係話落糖就造得出既效果,係會連帶埋香氣既濃稠度剛好,唔會太厚(味道甜既話驚佢會膩賣相都不錯,仲有畫花咁:^)燒西班牙黑毛豬柳配力矯汁本身冇諗過原來有咁多配菜XDD,仲要擺盤幾整齊先嚐豬柳,有微焦香氣肉質彈牙有嚼勁,但又唔係好老好柴好韌,保留到有肉汁同油香肉味非常突出,越嚼越香,唔係只靠調味同埋佢係厚身既,不過夠熟夠熱,煮得好均勻醬汁鹹度夠,稀稠適中,剛好可以coat住食材一旁既配菜清新解膩,食一大塊豬柳一定要清清佢黑松露麵包蟹意大利飯感覺好用心,佢將蟹膏蟹肉拆哂出黎煮risottorisotto夠哂鮮味,味道偏甜,但係佢係好自然,唔會食到灌水沖淡既地步香氣十足,夠味之餘唔會太膩飯粒粒粒分明,米香好重,有點咬口個人認為唔使加黑松露已經幾好因為黑松露又有另一種香氣,濃香但不濁如果mix埋係好多層次,但同時會有點混亂朱古力芭菲朱古力味濃郁,甜中帶苦,大大減低膩感mousse香滑嫩身,加上乾身既餅碎有質感上既contrast再加多少少水果既微酸似乎會更解膩^)草莓吉士千層酥之前訂枱時有提到係生日飯上甜品既時候有點蠟燭及寫字:^)仲播埋生日歌,負責人又黎講生日快樂:^)感覺幾親切講番甜品賣相幾特別,層層疊起,勝在佢唔會好易塌草莓新鮮清甜,冇咩酸味:^0吉士是creamy的,好滑,同草莓好夾千層酥既部分味道較淡,薄身又夠脆,而且係乾身既配上吉士同草莓既甜味,整體唔會過甜過膩:^)服務方面,我個人已經係滿意其實我要求唔高,真係夠舒服,食得自在唔會俾人趕俾人望實就OK上食物果陣佢地真係會講解一下用料同煮法,可見對出品係好有認識既不時又加水又睇進度上菜最後仲會問埋有冇咩意見同埋可以點改進講真我覺得最緊要係佢地有心做好,唔係話求其搵人寫下D正評誇下佢就算佢地問果陣我都唔知點答好XDDDD,因為我覺得已經不錯


侍應有禮反應快,唔錯(^_^)入正題\(^o^)/值得推介既有:黑魚子海膽三文魚蘑菇湯麵包蟹所有既甜品( ´▽` )ノ因為幾個朋友都點唔同既甜品,所以可以試晒\(^o^)/果一餐食左3個幾鐘急性子既食客就唔建議去啦最好三五知己去就最好啦!邊傾計,邊等食(^_^;)餐廳風格偏意法,用材幾好,當然價格都唔算平,一人400$左右,但都值既下次會再去

有同事話想試呢間好耐, 今次就book 左嚟試下, 同事講到好期待咁, 所以都有啲期望... 唔知係咪期望高左, 最後無論係食物定環境都覺得好一般... 本來都有考慮加錢要dessert, 但最後都無雖然件牛柳肉質都夠淋,但將沙律菜放落main course 度總有啲怪怪, 仲要啲沙律菜係暖暖地, 有啲格格不入0既感覺

My girlfriend and I went here at around 7:30pm on a Saturday and the place was only half full. A bad sign for any restaurant in Causeway Bay. We were seated next to the bar. Tables were small, a bit cramped to be honest. But I can understand what with Hong Kong's rent being so high.The problems started when we tried to order our food, everything is either out of stock or changed. Their caesar salad with roast chicken was out; we were offered to choose between salmon +$40 or plain salad. Half the of the pasta items are no longer served. Along with at least three appetizers that are off the menu as well. Why not just update your menu??  If you don't want to pay for reprinting the menu, at least cross it off by hand!After that ordeal, we finally managed to order some food items.1) Caesar Salad $78 We ordered it without any additional toppings. Although the appearance isn't particularly appetizing, it tasted quite good. You can tell it is made on premise by the strong taste of anchovies in the dressing. They also replaced bacon with iberico jamon which was nice but at the same time I missed the crunch. Perhaps they should have added some croutons for texture. 7/102) Seared Foie Gras with Apple $118 Presentation was nice. The foie gras was cooked correctly, outside crispy and inside still creamy and soft. However, some things that detracted from the dish were that the apple was not cooked, the bread was soggy and the foie gras itself was not hot. 5.5/103) Linguine with Grilled Prawns $158 Pasta and prawns were both fine. Nothing spectacular. 6/104) Crab meat risotto with truffle $228 This is supposed to be the signature dish of the restaurant. There wasn't very much crab meat and the truffle wasn't incorporated into the risotto but just served on the side. Overall, it tasted good but could have been much better. 6.5/10In conclusion, Eden Rose left much to be desired. I probably won't visit this restaurant again. Overall: 6/10Recommended: NoSuggestions: Update your menu

I was invited by Eden Rose to come taste their new two person dinner menu and I could bring someone else along to share this experience. I, of course, brought the one other foodie I can rely on to laugh at me when I get all Gordon Ramsey a la “Kitchen Nightmares” whenever I eat out at fine dining establishments. Boyfriend.Eden Rose is located in Causeway Bay, next to Sogo, in a building well known for many well established higher end Japanese restaurants. But this place doesn’t serve Japanese food. It serves European. Entering the restaurant, the dated decor was dark. And when I say, dark, it was dark. Black walls, black chairs, black tables. A few dashes of burgundy and some chandeliers. A few lighted candles. It felt like I was back in Canada again and hung out at a gothic bar. It did have a great view of Causeway Bay below. It’s definitely a place for people who want a romantic night out or some celebrity who doesn’t want to be seen. I, personally, would have liked it a bit more bright.We were greeted with the menu we were to try out that was displayed to us in an iPad. What you get is a starter of clams in fish broth and sous vide salmon with Hollandaise sauce, a choice of 2 soups (soup of the day, cream of black truffel or lobster bisque), a main of crab stuffed risotto with black truffle, roasted Iberico pork loin with a green apple salsa and choice of two desserts (crème brulee, chocolate parfait or strawberry napoleon). All for $898. Wine not included.And so we begin.While we waited we were given two pieces of garlic bread. I noted real garlic was used but it was nothing too special. I do wish the bread was plain instead as I like to eat my bread the French way. Plain, no butter and used only to dip away the sauce. For the following starter could have worked great with plain baguette.We started with the clams in fish broth. Boyfriend whispered to me that he was ready to hate this place when he saw the decor but was surprised how good this was. I agreed. The clams were fresh and cooked at the exact right moment as they were done but not rubbery. The broth was sweet from being cooked with the clams. There were also bits of shimeji mushrooms.The next starter was sous vide salmon, topped with sea urchin and caviar and plated with hollandaise sauce. Sous vide is the latest gourmet restaurant fad and it’s become so common that even amature wannabe Masterchefs own one. My cousin and her fiancé bought a small one for the home recently and have been showing off their finished dinners on Facebook. For those that don’t watch endless episodes of Masterchef like me, sous vide is a technique of vacuum packing your food with any marinade you want and poaching it in a waterbath at a fixed low temperature. With all that technical babble that is supposed to oooo and awwww you, it was very good. The salmon was soft and perfectly poached. Absolutely melted away. The sea urchin was sweet and fresh. The cavier salty. All together it was a perfect combination. The hollandaise was creamy and had a slight lemony tang. The only odd thing was the slices of radishes were bland. No mustardy kick. I went home to search online on perhaps they used a different variety of radish that had no mustardy kick but couldn’t find one. So, in a way, I’m glad the radishes had no spicy kick otherwise it would have ruined this dish. Also, did not like the plating of this dish with the odd sprinkles of spices around the centerpiece. Useless extra that Gordon Ramsay would have shaked his head over.We chose both cream of truffle and lobster bisque soup to try together.Cream of black truffle soup had a dollop of black truffle paste on top and a swirl of olive oil. It smelled mushroomy rather than truffles but oddly, didn’t taste much of anything. It was odd. So much mushroom but yet tasteless. I sit and wonder why my cream of mushroom soup is better and I don’t even use truffle paste. Just a good stock and some thyme. And that’s when it dawned on me. There was no thyme. Couldn’t taste it. Couldn’t smell it. A bit of thyme would have brought out the true essence of the mushrooms.However, the lobster bisque was much better. It was sweet, rich and creamy. Plating, however, could have been a bit more refined as the cream was presented in a zig zag fashion. I think a small, yet minimalistic, circle of cream is all that is needed. If the chef wanted to get really cute, a string cream of perhaps three small hearts would have been sweet yet classy.Their signature dish was next. A crab stuffed with crab meat risotto and black truffle paste. The crab was plated on top of a bed of rocks which was interesting. There was lot of risotto. Definitely enough for two people. The risotto was baked instead of the classic way of making it so it wasn’t as creamy as regular risotto. It was also not al dente as regular risotto. It was, however, well done and smelled fantastic. Probably from being baked in the crab shell. It was odd that they served the black truffle paste in a small dish next to the crab instead of incorporating it. I, also, am a follower of the Gordon Ramsey school of thought on black truffle paste and truffle oils and so I didn’t like the addition of truffle paste to the risotto and glad they did put it as a side dish. I did try a bit of it in the risotto just to see if I would change my mind and I didn’t. The truffle paste over powered the sweetness of the crab flavor infused in the risotto. Without the truffle paste, it was much better. I didn’t touch the rest of the truffle paste.The roasted Iberico pork loin with green apple salsa was nicely plated. I think the entire night, this was best plated food with the rusticness on a chopping board, the colorful capsicons and the tiny dish of gravy. The pork loin, we were told, was cooked a medium rare and it was when I inspected it. So, this wasn’t a true slow roasted pork. No. This was one of the newer cooking trends lately to serve medium rare pork so it’s still juicy yet springy in texture instead of falling off the bone. It tasted quite good, though. However, the gravy needed a bit more seasoning. The capsicons would have been fantastic if they were roasted as well, but they weren’t so were crunchy instead of soft and sweet. The apple salsa was a nice complement to the pork.We were presented with their signature dessert, the chocolate mousse with a hot chocolate whisky hazelnut sauce to pour. Once poured on top, it would melt the chocolate disc that covered a little well that had chopped hazelnuts inside. The entire mousse was laid on a bed of breadcrumbs. Yes, breadcrumbs. I don’t understand that, too. This was an extremely rich dessert, especially with the end of a meal that was already rich from start to finish. Therefore, I wasn’t much of a fan. It lacked balance somehow. At first, I thought perhaps a tart fruit sauce like raspberries but then it couldn’t be hot enough to melt the disc. Perhaps more fruit instead of the strange addition of breadcrumbs that were not only flavorless but clumped into one big mushy mess after addition of the sauce? Perhaps instead of the hazelnuts inside the mousse, they replace it with a tart fruit cream? It needed a bit of acidity to make this a better dish as the mousse is quite good.They presented us with a new dessert they were trying. A kumquat sorbet quaintly plated inside half a mandarin orange. I loved this dessert. It was tart with a bit of the bitterness of the kumquat. Refreshing and cool. .A breath of fresh air from the richness of the entire meal. I felt this was a perfect dessert for the end of this meal. A great palate clenser.I can’t really say Eden Rose is classical cooking in the true sense nor can I say it’s fusion. It’s neither of that. The only way I can describe it is that it serves higher end European dishes with larger portion size so you get more bang for your buck, than say “Joel Robechon”. But then Joel Robechon does do it better even though you leave not really feeling full. The chef  cooks well enough. The food was delicious. It just needs fine tuning to make it even better and for them to truly call themselves fine dining. Things like plating needed some improvement. Perhaps watch a few episodes of Masterchef. If I wasn’t invited, I would not have heard of this place, nor thought to try it. But now that I have, I would recommend it to anyone who wants to bring a date here to impress with fancy dishes, dark romantic settings and a great view of Causeway Bay and yet still won’t break the bank as for $898, it’s quite a good deal.

Eden Rose Restaurant餐單提供法國菜,西餐廳等推介美食位於銅鑼灣區,餐廳座位數34人均消費約$101-200,結賬可以用Visa,Master,現金,銀聯,JCB。

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為減低冠狀病毒病在餓爸小食內有任何傳播的風險,餓爸小食在餐廳內會盡力保持高水平的清潔及衞生標準。餐廳餓爸小食除了遵守預防及控制疾病的相關規例,餓爸小食同時建議採取以下措施*餓爸小食 黃, 餓爸小食 藍, (餓爸小食 黃藍 等意思黃店或藍店簡稱

常見問題 FAQ:

Eden Rose Restaurant在餐廳內應如何確保環境衞生?

  • 食物業經營者應加強對食物業處所包括廚房、食物房、洗滌間、廁所(包括水龍頭與廁所把手)和食肆座位間的清潔,定時及在有需要時應用1:99(即把1份漂白水與99 份水混和)的稀釋家用漂白水消毒,以經常保持清潔和適當維護。
  • 在處理被呼吸道分泌物、嘔吐物或排泄物污染的地方,應使用 1:49(即把 1 份漂白水與 49 份水混和)的稀釋家用漂白水。
  • 經常清潔消毒食物接觸面及設備,例如餐具。
  • 經常清潔消毒員工或顧客的頻密接觸點,例如門柄、桌面、餐盤。
  • 確保用作送遞食物的工具不可用於收集餐桌上已使用的餐具及食物殘渣,可考慮以不同顏色或標示來識別工具的不同用途。所有工具都要保持清潔和定時消毒。

餐廳廚房內Eden Rose Restaurant應如何確保食物衞生?

  • 採用「食物安全五要點」,以正確處理食物:
    1. 精明選擇:選擇安全的原材料
    2. 保持清潔:保持雙手及用具清潔
    3. 生熟分開:分開生熟食物
    4. 煮熟食物:徹底煮熟食物
    5. 安全溫度:把食物存放於安全溫度
    6. 有需要時,提供公筷公羹。
  • 避免公開展示沒有包裝的即食食物(例如烘焙食品)。
  • 如使用即棄手套處理即食食物,要注意手套不能代替清洗雙手,並要正確使用。手套如有損壞、弄污或食物處理人員因暫停工作而把手套除下,便應把手套丟掉;要經常更換手套,更換時和除手套後都要清洗雙手。

對於工的個人衞生餐廳Eden Rose Restaurant建議是什麼?

  1. 工作人員須謹記:定期檢查體溫
  2. 工作期間,戴上口罩
  3. 咳嗽或打噴嚏時,要用紙巾掩蓋口鼻,並立即將已弄髒的紙巾丟入垃圾桶。然後,以梘液和清水清潔雙手
  4. 保持良好的個人衞生習慣(例如在處理食物前後、進行清潔之後、處理廚餘或垃圾後以及上廁所後要洗手)
  5. 如患有或懷疑受到傳染病感染或出現病徵,例如感冒、腹瀉、嘔吐、黃疸病、發燒、咽喉痛和腹痛,應停止處理食物。如出現呼吸道感染病徵時,應戴上外科口罩及盡早求醫
  6. 洗手時應以梘液和清水清潔雙手,搓手最少 20 秒,用水過清並用抹手紙弄乾。雙手洗乾淨後,不要再直接觸摸水龍頭
  7. (例如先用抹手紙包裹著水龍頭,才把水龍頭關上)

Eden Rose Restaurant餐廳內大家應如何減少社交接觸?

  1. 為採取以下措施保持員工之間、員工與顧客之間以及顧 客之間的社交距離:
  2. 為顧客提供外賣選擇
  3. 避免搭枱或改動座位安排以減少直接面對面接觸
  4. 在食肆張貼告示或作廣播、或於地面加上標記、提醒顧客在排隊或等候期間保持距離
  5. 在服務櫃枱加設屏障,減少顧客與員工直接面對面接觸
  6. 鼓勵顧客使用非觸式的付款方法(例如:信用卡、手機應用程式等)
  7. 安排員工分批工作、休息及用膳

我可不可以評論一下這間餐廳Eden Rose Restaurant的好與壞?

你可以這餐廳發表Eden Rose Restaurant意見及討論,可以用上面的facebook留這功能與其他食家交流。

為什麼Eden Rose Restaurant不能電話訂位?

個別餐廳假日及繁忙時間會可能需於餐廳到現場排隊攞位,建議早一兩星期期打電話詢問Eden Rose Restaurant訂位方法。

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我們絕少會刪除已刊登的餐廳,惟當我們證實已刊出的餐廳Eden Rose Restaurant違規時,將可能會刪除餐廳。

為什麼要確認Eden Rose Restaurant餐廳內容全為屬實?


如果我懷疑餐廳Eden Rose Restaurant是虛假陳述的可以怎樣做?

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